The Catalan Council of the Organic Production (CCPAE) is the supervisory authority of Catalonia and its function is to audit and certify organic food products of this territory..
CCPAE is a public corporation with legal personality. This corporation is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment of the Government of Catalonia.
The Council figures in the list of public authorities and control agencies published annually by the European Union.
CCPAE is composed of several organs: the governing organ, the executive organ, and the operative organ.
The governing organ is the Governing Board, who makes the decisions which affect the smooth functioning of the Council. This is the highest organ of CCPAE.
The Governing Board is composed by 12 members: three correspond to the producers, three to processors, three to consumers and three to administration, one of whom is elected as President. The purpose is to achieve parity of interests in accordance with Standard UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012.
The executive organ is the one which carries out the decisions of the Governing Board through the Technical Director and Certification Committee. This last is composed by representative from the Administration and two technical certifiers.
The organ is divided into three operative areas that depend on the Technical Direction: the area of certification, general affairs department and area of inspection. This organ will carry out the activities of certification, inspection, promotion and administration of CCPAE.
Chart of CCPAE
